Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Stop Patronizing Use-and-Toss Items: Janique Madison on Using Reusable Items

Environmentalist Janique Madison is saddened by the thousands of use-and-toss items available on the market today. These items are disposed after being used, and often litter the streets and landfills. What is disheartening is the fact that these items are offered abundantly, and are parts of most peoples’ daily lives.

From Janique Goff

Prime examples of these use-and-toss items are plastic bottles. Plastic bottles are often used as containers for soda and other beverages. They come in different sizes, depending upon the gallon or liter of the liquid. However, once its entire content is consumed, the plastic bottle is often discarded without a thought. Other examples include plastic bags, Styrofoam, candy wrappers, milk cartons, and other containers.

Janique Madison urges the public to stop patronizing these use-and-toss items, and instead use reusable items. As an alternative to getting coffee from a paper cup, use a tumbler. Reusable bags could replace paper or plastic bags, and silverware can replace disposable utensils. There are reusable items which correspond to most use-and-toss items in the market, such as reusable stirrers, refillable pens and ink cartridges, friendship bracelets in lieu of chunky metal bracelets, among many others.

From Janique Goff

Ms. Madison believes that by recycling and using reusable items, trash in landfills can be lessened, pollution lowered, and the planet’s resources preserved. Additional tips on going green and earth-friendly are available at

From Janique Goff

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Janique Goff on the Pesky Problem of Waste Pollution


Janique Goff, an American business developer focused on environmental and energy conservation and biotechnologies, puts people face-to-face with the issue of garbage disposal. On average, an American produces 4.5 pounds of waste a day. With a population of 310 million, this amounts to 56 tons of waste annually. That’s 49 million diapers per day, 4 million tons of junk mail every year, 2.5 million plastic bottles by the hour, and 65 billion aluminum soda cans used each year. As early as five years ago, only a tenth of this gargantuan waste figure was getting recycled every year; the rest was left buried in landfills or disposed in oceans, destroying wildlife habitats across the country.

From by mauri rautkari

Janique Goff extols the value of reduction, reuse, and recycling as the best practices to manage garbage sustainably. Companies everywhere have been scrambling to reduce paper usage, from e-mail signatures reminding employees to think before they print, ATM interfaces offering users the option not receive a transaction receipt, to toy manufacturers using recycled corrugated board packaging.


In 2008, America’s solid waste industry had processed over 61 million tons of bottles, cans, and paper, 62.6 billion of which were aluminum cans. It also composted 22 million tons of yard waste, raising the country’s recycling rate to over thirty percent. What’s more, America’s supply of recycled batteries constitutes 60% of the world’s lead supply.

From and

When it comes to reusing waste, people can be creative. Old coffee mugs that are either chipped or missing handles can be turned into flowerpots or pen holders for the desk, old shoulder pads wrapped in old nylon netting can be used as dish scouring pads, old leather or fabric belts make excellent pet collars when properly adjusted.



More resources on the three most valuable R’s in waste management can be found at

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Janique Goff Weighs in About Disappearing Honeybees and its Environmental Impact

One of the biggest issues that Janique Goff has emphasized in her work is the alarming rate by which honeybees are disappearing all over the United States. This problem is not recent—this strange phenomenon has been ongoing for roughly two to three years now, but it is only this year that researchers and the world at large have realized that this is a serious concern.

The Honeybee Colony

The honeybee colony is in itself a marvel of nature. The term “hivemind” sums up their greatness—a colony of hundreds or thousands of bees work together in unspoken unison to create a colony so economical and efficient is beyond real human comprehension, or even achievement. Janique Goff gives special emphasis on the role that honeybees play on the environment, the most notable of which is balancing out the ecosystem by propagating pollination of the plants that are then consumed directly and indirectly by the rest of the food chain.

Factors that Influence the Dwindling Numbers

Discovery News reports several factors that have been found to be the reason for the rapidly falling number of bees. Multiple viruses, fungi, and bacteria have begun to infest the colonies. The average losses per year stands at 30% of the colonies, and beekeepers have struggled to retain the health of their colonies.

Another possible culprit is the spraying of pesticides on the plants that the bees pollinate upon. The chemicals rise up from the soil and the plants and thus poison the bee colonies. In addition, stress is listed as one of the factors contributing to the disappearance as growing numbers of beekeepers regularly load their colonies onto trucks and transport them all over America. Even the electromagnetic pulses from all the technology and gadgets now being used, interfering with the bees’ sensitive navigational senses, have been cited as possible reason.

What Would Happen Without Bees?

People may consider bees as a nuisance in the outdoors, but the truth of the matter is that if the honeybees continue to disappear and ultimately die out, human beings could follow in as little as four years, as the plants which humans consume will also die without the bees. This issue is now being taken very seriously by scientists and researchers, and Janique Goff believes it is something everyone should be concerned about.

Janique Goff’s advocacies and other important environmental stands can be found at

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Janique Goff Advocates Solar Energy: Realizing and Utilizing the Sun’s Power

One of Janique Goff’s many advocated causes is the use of alternative energy sources, one of them being solar power. In this electricity-dependent world, it takes a great deal of the planet’s natural resources to produce energy needed to sustain life. As these resources dwindle, experts have been looking for alternative sources of energy.

Solar Energy is simply defined as utilizing the natural light and heat from the sun to create electricity. By concentrating the sunlight through solar panels and solar troughs, the energy produced can be converted to electricity that can power appliances and even office or home spaces. Though still considered a relatively new innovation, solar energy’s origins go all the way back to Syracuse in 1866 with the first solar-powered steam engine powered by the first solar trough.

Janique Goff’s reasons for encouraging the use of solar energy is that in spite of what seems to be an initially high price for system installment (pricing goes at around $10,000), the long term benefits have been well-documented and more than evident. Goff believes that there is no better way to conserve energy than by making one’s own. A 1-kilowatt solar energy-powered house actually saves 70 lbs. of coal, 300 lbs of CO2 from being sent into the atmosphere, and 105 gallons of water each month.

In one hour, the sun gives more energy than what is used by the entire population in one year. The world is poised to take advantage of all this solar energy as systems have become so sophisticated that they can run a whole household 24/7. As Goff fervently believes, with the sun providing all the energy that the global population needs without having to consume more resources from the earth itself, it is high time to start going green and use this alternative energy for everyday life.

Janique Goff’s other thoughts on environmental issues can be found at