Sunday, June 24, 2012

Janique Goff: Green living starts at home

Saving energy can be as easy as changing a light bulb. Janique Goff and other environmentalists believe that everyone can contribute to addressing global pollution by simply changing a few ways of using energy at home.

Janique Goff Image credit:

Energy definitely helps people cope with daily chores and gives a degree of comfort and convenience. But the same energy needed to power all the systems in a home also contributes to global warming and greenhouse gas emissions that damage the planet’s ozone layer. In the United States, homes without proper insulation will need to use up more energy just to compensate for the heat lost.

Janique Goff Image credit:

But there are many ways to reduce the amount of energy used in powering homes. Janique Goff and other preservationists believe that everyone can contribute in conserving energy by doing the following useful tips that also reduce energy expenses:
  1. Reducing the use of the water heater 
  2. Purchasing new energy-efficient appliances
  3. Designing the home to optimize daylight and ambient air for cooling
  4. Using creative landscaping techniques to maximize cooling and heating in the area
  5. Dialing down the thermostat reduces the temperature in the house, which lessens the amount of heating fuel used

Janique Goff Image credit:

Even small changes in your lifestyle can help in addressing pollution, and this can start in your own home. For more information on Janique Goff and to read more articles on environment conservation, follow this Twitter page.