Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Green Technologies Must Be Made Affordable To Average Households

There have been myriad global initiatives to dramatically reduce the alarming carbon footprint in the atmosphere, deemed as the main culprit in climate change and unfettered global warming. Unfortunately, these international scale crusades are bereft of definitive action-oriented strategies easily comprehended and implemented at the micro level. It is crucial for global policy makers to realize that the big percentage of fossil fuel emissions emanates from the gargantuan household population worldwide, and not from the gigantic commercial manufacturing plants, which most likely have instituted means of compliance to environmental protocols.

 Image source: Moneycrashers.com

The 9.795 gigatonnes of global carbon emissions, per 2014 records, are from fossil fuel consumption by households which rely on coal, oil and natural gas every day for their survival activities such as cooking, air conditioning facilities and illumining their dwellings, to fancy stuff such as celebrations or unnecessary engagements like computer gaming.

If every household would just exert tremendous effort to lower energy consumption, the big load of carbon dioxide in the troposphere would not seem a mammoth Damocles sword threatening to smash the earth.

 Image source: Moneycrashers.com

There have been green technologies introduced to address contemporary clamor by environment advocates. Among these are the use of solar panels or photovoltaic cells, installation of home wind generators or installation of energy efficient double pane windows to prevent a great deal of heat loss. Another is the use of window insulator kits.

Accessible these efficient scientific mechanisms maybe, the big hurdle is whether the costs are affordable to average household economies. Crammed with numerous expenses in their annual family budgets, could they squeeze in the cost of a typical solar array that comes in at around $30,000, or wind generators that can cost up to $45,000. Around $6,000 would be needed to install double pane windows for a 10-window home.

International organizations in the forefront of battling greenhouse gases emissions should collaborate with banking institutions that could offer special lending windows to common households to afford these fossil fuel reduction technologies.

San Diego, CA-based Janique Goff is a supporter of environment-friendly technologies. As a business development manager, she has represented countless engineers and scientists in launching their environmental ideas. For more insights, follow her on Twitter.