Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Who cares about biodiversity? Janique Goff does

Janique Goff is a successful business development manager who represents, markets, and advertises budding businesses involved in biotechnology. She is a genuine advocate of saving Mother Earth. One of her interests is in biodiversity preservation.

From Janique Goff

What is biodiversity? The earth is made of various life forms and species. Biology and diversity put together is biodiversity. Part of biodiversity is the variety of ecosystems such as deserts and coral reefs. Each member of every kind of ecosystem plays a vital role in creating balance in nature. That is why it is important to maintain diversity.

From Janique Goff
With human activities accompanied by greed and power-grabbing schemes, the deterioration and loss of biodiversity have increased dramatically. Sustainable solutions advocates like Janique Goff focus on ways of maintaining biodiversity and retaining balance in nature.
Ways that deplete the ecosystems are mostly from humans. Some of these are illegal logging and hunting, water contamination, mining, commercialism, and the likes.
Fortunately, solutions that address the challenges of biodiversity are increasing. Individuals, companies, businesses, and countries are doing their share in saving ecosytems.

From Janique Goff

Just like the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development wherein the Convention on Biological Diversity came about - more than 100 countries participated in that convention to work hand in hand in reducing the loss of biodiversity.

From Janique Goff

Details of Janique Goff’s environmental efforts can be accessed at her MySpace page and Twitter page.