Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Janique Madison: Green recipes for the skin

Using natural ingredients to enhance one’s appearance dates back to the ancient times. Famous people from history, like Cleopatra, have been found to turn to nature for beauty products. . Janique Madison agrees that women need not look far to have effective beauty products to make themselves look and feel beautiful. All they need to do is scour their kitchens for natural ingredients and get creative.

Janique Goff Photo credit:

Below are some easy recipes for all-natural beauty products:

Facial wrap
Grape purees, chopped oranges, honey, drops of chamomile, and mineral water are simmered for 30 minutes in a saucepan. A face cloth is then dipped into the mixture before being applied on the face.

Janique Goff Photo credit:

Body scrub
Honey, flour, milk, and ground almonds are mixed together to create an invigorating body scrub.

Facial and full-body mask
Janique Madison suggests combining honey with chopped parsley to produce a facial mask. For a full-body mask, crushed almonds, raw oatmeal, brown sugar, and honey are mixed together with hot water.

Janique Goff Photo credit:

These ingredients are all natural and free from preservatives and chemicals that can be harmful to the skin. They are also affordable and not hard to find in the supermarket, and they make for great gifts to friends who love indulging themselves in safe and natural homemade spa concoctions.

Janique Madison is an advocate for the preservation of Mother Nature. She blogs about the latest news on the environment and provides tips on sustainable living. To get timely updates from her, visit her Facebook page.